Frequently Asked Questions
Where will the class be held?
The training class will always be held at the Cherokee Gun Club in Gainesville, Georgia. The match may be held at Cherokee Gun Club or Riverbend Gun Club. Ask me on Training day if you are unsure which match to attend.
What do I need to bring?
I would recommend students bring a main gun and a backup gun along with about 1500+ (700+ for Fundamentals) round for both days, proper outdoor footwear, and sunscreen. We will break for lunch on Friday so bring some food, drinks, and snacks. After the match on Saturday, we will have lunch as a group at a nearby restaurant to discuss the match and answer any questions students may have.
Do I need to do anything prior to class?
Send two videos (in YouTube format) that demonstrate your current level of match performance before class day to:
What does my class fee include?
Your fee will include the 2 day class, paid for match fee, paid for range guest fees, and pre/post video analyst.
What happens if it rains or match is canceled?
If it rains or match gets canceled, a refund will be issued and/or students may signup for future classes.
What time does the class and match start/run until?
Friday class will begin at 9am until about 4pm. Saturday match’s first shot is at 9:30am and usually ends around 2pm. We will meet at 8am at the match and walk stages together as a class.
Can I train Friday and skip the match on Saturday?
Yes, but the fees will remain the same. I highly recommend staying for the match for best results.
How do I pay?
Currently, I am set up for Venmo payments only. If Venmo is not an option for you, please reach out to me and we can discuss other forms of payment.