Tiered Structured Training

The expert in anything was once a beginner. Hence, teaching certain skills to students who are not ready would be a disservice. Therefore, I have broken my teaching method into 3 distinct tiers: Intro, Efficiency, and Match Mode.

I have a detailed description of each class below. Please choose which course best fits your current skill level. I only instruct a maximum of 4 students at a time for more individualized attention. Prior to class, students are encouraged to send me 2 videos of their best stage runs for me to analyze and create a “group-personalized” course of training best suited to those 4 students ranging from lowest hanging fruit to highest.

The beauty of structured training is when you have leveled up, you can seek additional training with me at your own pace.




Newer shooters to competitive shooting. Typically U and D Class shooters will fit this criteria.

We will cover Safety, gun handling concepts, accuracy, live fire/dryfire drills, and proper stage planning.

Next Class : June 27/28 (Training at Cherokee Gun Club, match at Riverbend gun Club)

Email to reserve your spot.

Slots Available 4/4



Shooters that have been competing for some time and would like to increase efficiency. Typically C and B Class shooters will fit this criteria.

We will cover advanced movement concepts and other skills to reduce time on the clock, as well as in-depth stage planning techniques.

Next Class : March 21/22 (Training at Cherokee Gun Club, match at Riverbend gun Club)

Email to reserve your spot.

Slots Available 0/4

Match Mode


Experienced shooters having difficulty progressing. Typically A+ Class shooters fit this criteria.

We will cover mindset, advanced training concepts, and advanced stage planning concepts.

Students of this course will also receive a invaluable tool/gift at the beginning of class to aid them in their progression.

Next Class : May 09/10 (training and match at Cherokee Gun Club)

Email to reserve your spot.

Slots Available 4/4